Sunday, November 15, 2020


I am trying 2 hours to resolve this problem! May 27, at 5: November 6, at 7: Any ideas on how to resolve this? June 17, at 8: I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver, and after a restart, it did the trick.
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So finally I rebooted into the traditional Gnome Shell and found an interface I could live with. Hi, I tried this with a Dell Inspiron m and my wireless now works but my ethernet no longer works.

Dell Inspiron wireless card: mini pci card wifi.

Ubuntu submitted 5 years ago by [deleted]. Been spending ages looking around for a solution! I understand very little of what I'm doing from reading all these forums, but basically I'm feeling pretty stumped right now.

My good friend Wild Man has it outlined here: Join Date Oct Beans 1. June 17, at 8: Tags for this Thread dell inspironno ethernetubuntu I saw a problem with this when running the Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: How do I get past jnspiron

November 15th, 5. It was certainly an option after that. I wigeless using Ubuntu once before on an earlier model Dell laptop and being able to pick up the driver during updates when I jacked it into an RJ45 hardwired port. Take a second to support Geekster on Patreon! November 17, at 5: Any ideas on how to resolve this?

I am trying 2 hours to resolve this problem! Tried so many tips from Linux forum, with no ubunfu so far. The time now is August 21, at I connected the Laptop into a wired connection and downloaded the Wicd Network Manager but it had no effect either.

November 15th, 6. Gosh, I can't get the editor to enumerate the steps correctly.


Then long-pressed the power button to restart and when it restarted, it worked. October 31, at 8: On the Dash's search box, type drivers and you'll see an option called Adtional drivers.

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. April 11, at Three days and finally found this and solved my problems immediately. On a HP running Ubuntu When doing this kind of thing do NOT assume that a solution for older Ubuntu releases work for yours. August 12, at 8: Wifi is not working and I don't have the option to connect to ethernet.

When it arrived at the point of wanting to know if I wanted the installation to update software at the same time, via the Internet, it provided me with the necessary Broadcom Wi-Fi adapter. Email Required, but never shown.

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